martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010


SOUTHWEST SCIENTIFIC SWS is a laboratory of pharmaceutical chemistry, for this reason in this link you can  find information about where the laboratory is located


If  you open this link you can read  a magazine.
A magazine specializing in pharmaceutical chemistry laboratories

J B Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals

This link is similar to a guide where you can look for all the laboratories around the world.

Boehringer Ingelheim

This link is a Germany´s laboratory, you will find information about: their company, products and businessess

Proclin pharma

This link is in spanish, because is a Colombian laboratory, and it  doesn´t have others offices around the world, but you will find information about homeophaty medicines.

Harke Pharma

In this link you can find  information about all the pharmaceutical aplications, and you can choose the topic that you consider more important

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Pfaizer, we work together for a healthier world

Here you have the link of one of the most famous laboratories of the world: PFIZER, this is for people that live in Colombia, but you can also find a page for each country were the laboratory has a franchise. Enjoy it!!

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Welcome to our blog, Farmaceutical Chemestry. Here you're going to find a lot of information about this career and it's aplications. Hope you like it.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Welcome, by Alejandra Oviedo

Hello, my name is Alejandra Oviedo and I like all the things about chemestry, specially medicines for this reason in this blog you can find all the information about that.

Welcome, by Carolina Ordóñez

Hi, my name is Carolina Ordóñez. I really love Farmaceutical Chemestry and I see my future on it.

Welcome to our Blog!